Hindu philosophy at work saving the Nature |
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Paradis des oiseaux - Parc national de Keoladeo - Paradiso degli uccelli
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Avec Indian Railway, tout est possible!
Une fois n'est pas coutume, nous avons decide de ne pas prendre les bus locaux mais le train pour rejoindre le parc national de Koeladeo. 10 heures de bus contre 5 de train, ca vaut le coup a priori. Le probleme avec les trains en periode de vacances c'est qu'il faut reserver. Sinon, on risque de se retrouver dans les wagons "unreserved" ou 30 personnes s'entassent dans des compartiments pour 8. Nous reservons donc un train le 26 Decembre: depart 15h25, arrivee 20h08. Au moment de la reservation, je suis surprise de la place "couchette". C'est un peu drole pour un voyage l'apres-midi non? Mais les compartiments indiens sont ainsi faits: de jours 8 personnes peuvent s'asseoir, de nuit 8 couchettes peuvent etre installees dans le meme espace. C'est ingenieux.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Chittorgarh et Bundi, en-dehors des sentiers battus
Jauhar! |
Chittorgarh est une ville moyenne tres dynamique ou peu de touristes s'arretent. En decode: c'est chaotique, energetique, epice et exempt des douillettes guesthouses habituelles. Mais un site exceptionnel nous y attire. Il suffit d'une journee pour visiter l'ancienne capitale medievale de la dynastie Mewar situee sur un plateau qui surplombe la nouvelle ville. Le site est magnifique. Cette cite fut plusieurs fois l'objet de convoitise des Mughals. Descendants de l'empire mongole, les Mughals ont etabli un des plus grands empires indiens musulmans du 16e au 18e siecle. Les Rajputs de Mewar ont toujours resiste et dans le pire des cas preferaient la mort a la defaite. Dans ce cas-la, leurs femmes commettaient "jauhar": elles se suicidaient en se brulant vives sur un bucher. Apres plusieurs sieges sanglants, les Mewar ont finalement transfere leur capitale Chittorgarh a Udaipur qui privilegiait d'une position plus protegee.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Cucina in Rajasthan - In italiano
..aho`.. sto ancora a tradurre.. ma per ora..
a dirsi, ma noi due condividiamo una grande passione che potrebbe
passare inosservata ai piu`.. CIBO!! ;) .. e quindi in questi giorni
nella romantica Udaipur, abbiamo fatto una lezione di cucina
Rajasthana, una delle attivita` che veramente consigliamo a chiunque
quando in viaggio..
Rajasthan Cuisine - English
Difficult to spot, but we two share a great passion, which may pass unobserved to most of the people we meet.. FOOD!! ;) .. so these days in the romantic Udaipur we have taken one lesson of Rajasthan cuisine, really one activity that should always be done when travelling... unless you are in the Philippines and you just ate a full plate of squids!! ;) ..
Friday, December 21, 2012
Udaipur, the Octopussy city
It is supposed to be the most romantic city of India. And right now, being on the roof terrace of a relaxed restaurant called Dream Heaven, overlooking the lake and the mountains, enjoying the sun on a 21st of December, how could I disagree? The setting is beautiful indeed. The City palace, glorious proof of the Melwar empire and of the Rajput glory, shines in the sun. The Taj Lake Palace stands in the middle of Pichola lake and seems unreal. One James Bond movie was shot there in 83: Octopussy. Yes they dare to use this title:-) We watched the beginning of the movie and it looks like the streets of India haven't changed much: only less motorbikes and more traditional clothes for men. Cows and messy traffic were already the norm!
But despite this beauty, this is India: in the lake people wash clothes, swim, clean themselves, and it looks like the sewers also end up there....never mind, modernity can be seen in the wi-fi coverage and the fact that everybody, like anywhere in this country, has a mobile phone:-)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Green days in Ranakpur
Ranakpur is a wildlife sanctuary on our way to Udaipur. We spent a few lovely days in the nature, breathing the purest air of India! Breakfast with view on the lake (we bought a kettle in Bikaner and it is changing our life, we nearly feel at home drinking our coffee and ginger tea....ah consumerism is far away:-), walks in the mountains and hearty dinners in the resort provided a very welcome break in the nature. We did one interesting walk to Kumbalgarh fort with a "guide" who could only say "Yes and OK" in English, hmmm, that was funny. Anyway, as Indian always agree with you, it wasn't so weird in the end:-) But what a view from the fort! We also crossed beautiful villages where time seems to have stopped 150 years ago. We saw many birds, monkeys and the biggest antelope of India. No sign of the famous leopards though...And on top of it, the beautiful Jain temples provided a bit of culture. The complex was truly impressive. Walking in the middle of the marble erotic sculptures always makes you feel so spiritual, eh eh. But like in Jaisalmer, Jain priests seem more interested in money than anything else. So a few nice days in Green India...hoping that conservation efforts will carry on.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Jaisalmer: the Wild West
Jaisalmer la cite d'or
Fragile fort de sable medieval sur fond de desert, Jaisalmer est une belle surprise! La pierre doree change de couleur au gre de la lumiere et les couchers de soleil, encore et toujours en Inde, sont splendides. Enfin une ville calme...a l'interieur du fort, les vaches sont les principales causes d'embouteillage:-) Je crois que je m'habitue serieusement a l'Inde...il me semble a present normal d'etre coincee dans une embrasure de porte a cause d'une vache qui prend son temps pour brouter du papier journal plutot qu'une peau de banane. Jaisalmer ressemble donc a une Carcassonne a la couleur doree, aux vaches nonchalantes, aux tissus multicolores, et aux habitants plein de tchatche. On adore, on s'y sent bien et on prend plaisir a visiter ce vieux fort, ces temples Jains aux statues evocatrices de plaisirs plutot charnels que spirituels (vu l'interet pecunier des pretres a l'interieur on comprend pourquoi les Jains font partie des populations les plus riches..) et on passe des heures a la terrasse du restau de Lala et Surya. Ah ces deux freres nous surprennent tous les jours! De prime abord tres modernes, habitues aux touristes, ayant de nombreux
Monday, December 10, 2012
Rajput Wedding
Bikaner has been full of surprises for us.. we planned to stay a couple of days, and we were even unsure if to go or not, but at the end we left it, one week after we first arrived in the middle of the night, with our hearts and minds full of great memories :)
..one of the surprises has been that our lovely Camel Man, alias Vijay, our host, invited us to a wedding, a Rajput wedding! :) clearly it didn`t take long for us to accept! What a fantastic opportunity, one night at the wedding.. :)
well, this was our interpretation..but soon the invitation extended to the three nights of the wedding.. then to the three nights and the last "ceremony closing" lunch.. and finally to the three nights, the last "ceremony closing" lunch and the "after ceremony closing lunch" dinner!!!... uhaoo.. too much even for us.. finally we managed to go to one night at the bride party night and at the proper wedding night, skipping all the rest without offending anybody.. :) ..
So, the first night, all the women of the bride family dance, one by one, a traditional Rajput dance... really great.. here is a video.. funny to see as the people wave a ten rupees note on the head of the dancer and then donate it to the musicians or the servants of the house.. an expensive business!! :) ..
..one of the surprises has been that our lovely Camel Man, alias Vijay, our host, invited us to a wedding, a Rajput wedding! :) clearly it didn`t take long for us to accept! What a fantastic opportunity, one night at the wedding.. :)
well, this was our interpretation..but soon the invitation extended to the three nights of the wedding.. then to the three nights and the last "ceremony closing" lunch.. and finally to the three nights, the last "ceremony closing" lunch and the "after ceremony closing lunch" dinner!!!... uhaoo.. too much even for us.. finally we managed to go to one night at the bride party night and at the proper wedding night, skipping all the rest without offending anybody.. :) ..
So, the first night, all the women of the bride family dance, one by one, a traditional Rajput dance... really great.. here is a video.. funny to see as the people wave a ten rupees note on the head of the dancer and then donate it to the musicians or the servants of the house.. an expensive business!! :) ..
Shekhawati: mille et une nuits...mille e una notte
Shekhawati : a la decouverte des Havelis
Nous voila donc en route vers le desert, dans la region 200km au Nord-est de Bikaner nommee Shekhawati. Notre hote dans la guesthouse de Bikaner en est originaire. C'est un sacre caractere ce Vijay! 57 ans, une energie debordante et une carriere reussie comme "Camel man" et manager d'hotels . Sur la fin de sa carriere, ce qui lui tient a coeur est de developper le tourisme dans sa region natale. Il a fait construire une petite guesthouse a Thelasar, village ou bien peu de touristes ont du passer. Nous traversons des terres arides et plates ou sur une route bien entretenue se cotoient camions, jeep, voitures, motos, vaches et chameaux. Le premier village que nous
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Pushkar Video
Here the video of our few days in Pushkar... :) ..was a struggle to get it right in the blog, but hopefully you will like :) ...
Friday, November 30, 2012
Deluxe Travel
..e Pushkar e` ritornata alla sua `quieta` vita quotidiana dopo la grande festa di colori degli ultimi giorni.. Ormai ha ripreso l`aspetto di cittadina turistica, con i turisti occidentali in giro per la citta`.. dunque tempo per noi di fare bagagli e continuare il viaggio, prossima destinazione il deserto dei Tartari e i cammelli di Bikaner e da li ci si inoltrera` poi verso il profondo del deserto fino a Jaisalmer, ultima roccaforte prima del nulla.. ma prima, con calma, il viaggio... e, un po` naive come siamo e con in mente la bella e organizzata Thailandia, ci convinciamo a prendere il bus notturno da Pushkar, diretto fino a Bikaner.. la promessa, una notte di viaggio in un Deluxe Bus Turistico, con letto matrimoniale e otto ore di
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Pushkar a Colori
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Pushkar, the Temples, the Camels and the couple from outer space
Bien loin de la frenesie de Jaipur, nous voila donc dans un haut lieu de la religion Hindou. Push veut dires Lotus et kar main. Pushkar est nee de la main de Brahma, le Createur, qui aurait laisse tombe une fleur de lotus a l’endroit ou le lac sacre est situe. Des milliers de pèlerins viennent se baigner dans le lac durant la pleine lune de Novembre. Le spectacle est incroyable: des offrandes de fleurs et des bougies sont délicatement posees sur le lac, les femmes se baignent dans leur sari, les hommes torse nus. Bien sur, nous ne mettrions pas notre petit doigt de pied dans cette eau brune. La realiste est affaire de perception, n’est-ce pas? C’est probablement un des leiux saints de l’humanite. Les cendres de Gandhi on ete deposees ici. L’un des ghats (envolee d;escalier menant au lac) porte son nom. Religieux ou pas, personne ne peut rester indifferent a cette ferveur qui emane de la foule, en toute simplicite.
Ce festival hindou est precedee d’une
Friday, November 23, 2012
Jaipur - The Pink City
Jaipur - La ville rose
Toute ressemblance avec Toulouse serait purement fortuite.. La capitale du Rajahstan avec ses 3 millions d’habitants fourmille d’activite. Le centre ville historique fut cree au 18e siecle et etait a l’epoque un modele d’architecture urbaine. Malheureusement les limites de la ville ont explose dans une cacophonie incroyable. Comme dans toute grande ville indienne, la pollution, la circulation, la salete et la pauvrete de certains choquent au prime abord. Mais nous avons eu la chance de faire notre premiere visite avec un guide extraordinaire. Il nous a promenes das les bazars, fait visiter des temples, certains dans des maisons prives et un magnifique haveli (maison historique) ou l’hotesse nous a regales d’un “snack” qui s’est avere un repas gargantuesque de specialites. Et voila la beaute de l’Inde s’est petite a petit revelee. Pour la |
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
About Yoga: do Indians really practice it today?
If you attend a yoga course in India, most probable 90% of the crowd will be Westerners.
It seems that middle-class Indians would rather go jogging than perform asanas. But there is a strong culture of Yoga in ashrams and in places like Rishikesh or Mysore. For example, it is possible to study Yoga at University and to get a Phd. Surprising? But Yoga over here is a science which includes the physical postures we know but also moral values, philosophy, Âyurveda, meditation...Yoga started 5000 years ago with the Veda civilisation in India. At that time the aim was to meditate and only sitting postures were mentioned. The export of Yoga to
Saturday, November 17, 2012
E finalement li!.. O meglio, finalmente QUI!... .. In vacanza a Goa!!.. :) .. E visto che non posso piu` annoiarvi con i leaving parties, allora lo faccio con il blog!.. E ora siamo in due a farlo!.. abbiamo promesso di tenervi aggiornati su quel che succede da queste parti del globo, e lo faremo!!.. :) Quindi, vediamo un po`.. Proprio ora son sdraiato qui nello Snake Solarium, in riva al fiume che e` in riva al mare.. Vedete il ponte nella foto??..

Quello, il ponte, e` sul fiume. Poi si raggiunge la spiaggia che e` sull`oceano.. ogni tanto la rete del pescatore (si, quell`ombra longilinea li a destra) vola rotonda e
Friday, November 16, 2012
This is the blog of our adventure in Asia! Here you will find pictures and stories about the people and the countries we will visit. Any comments are welcome.. We will write in English, French or Italian according to the mood ;) ...
...now we go.. And we will back soon J
Voila le blog de nos aventures en Asie! Nous mettrons des photos et écrirons quelques lignes sur les gens et le spays que nous aurons le plaisir de visiter. Bien sur, les commentaires sont les bienvenus! Selon l’auteur et l’humeur, vous trouverez des recits en italien, francais et anglaisJ.
Voila, c’est parti....a tres bientôt!
Ed ecco qui, il blog delle nostre avventure in Asia! Qui troverete le storie e le foto delle genti e dei paesi che visiteremo nei prossimi mesi. Di sicuro i vostri commenti saranno apprezzati.. Scriveremo in italiano, francese o inglese a secondo dell`inspiration J ...
..ora si va.. Ma presto saremo di ritorno J
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